Bankruptcy Law

Are Taxes Dischargeable In Bankruptcy?

The internet is littered with false information regarding discharging taxes through bankruptcy. It is very important that a qualified bankruptcy attorney properly advises you on the specifics of discharging your taxes. This is a complicated area of the law that requires a very specific analysis of the type of taxes, age of the taxes, date […]

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I Have A Second Mortgage That I Can’t Pay.

The real estate bubble in the mid-2000s created a unique situation where many homes were worth less than the combined mortgage balances. Home equity loans were considered mortgages for the purpose of this article. This lack of equity in the home is known as being “underwater”. If you are underwater, you are trapped in your […]

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I Cannot Pay My Student Loans!

Student loans are a major problem that continues to worsen. Because of the willingness of lenders to underwrite excessive amounts of student loan debt and the willingness of the federal government to insure these loans, the cost of education continues to increase without limits because the flow of borrowed money to schools continues to increase. […]

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