Most people have heard horror stories about Social Security Disability claims taking forever, and people being denied who should clearly be approved for Disability benefits. Claims can be hampered by a number of problems that cause some people to be denied who should not be.
Reasons for Social Security Claims Denial:
- The agency does not get all of their medical records
- The medical records from the claimant’s doctors do not have enough detail or the “right” detail
- The claimant does not know what they have to prove, so they focus on information that is irrelevant or not helpful to their case
- Bad luck.
An experienced Social Security Disability attorney can help overcome or avoid many of these obstacles to approval, so it is important to engage with an experienced Social Security Disability law firm as early as possible in the process.
The attorneys at RQP Law will ensure that your file is complete with all medical records, forms and filings prior to any deadline. Our firm will also work with you and your doctors to make sure that not only all information is in the record, but also the “right” information. Social Security looks for specific information when reviewing a Social Security Disability claim, and most medical records do not have this information because the purpose of medical records is to help with your medical care, not to help you get approved for Social Security Disability. This is why our office will help you and your doctors fill in the holes in your record with specifically tailored forms and filings that allow your doctor to provide additional information than what shows up in your regular appointment summaries.
As is the case in almost all legal proceedings, Social Security is as much about what not to say, as it is about what you should say. Therefore, having an experienced Social Security Disability attorney guide you as the case is being built is extremely important, this helps prevent providing irrelevant or potentially harmful information to your case without properly explaining it. Although it should probably not be part of the equation, “luck of the draw” is a very real factor with Social Security Disability cases. Some areas of the State or areas of the Country are harder to win in or take longer to process a case, certain disability processing offices want things done a certain way, and some judges are more difficult to get approved by than other judges. Having an experienced Social Security Disability attorney can help you avoid this “bad luck” by helping prepare your claim according to the specifics an individual office or judge may prefer, and tailoring your case in the best possible way no matter what agency official it is assigned to.
Making a Strong Social Security Case
Disability claims depend on medical documentation. That said, the Social Security Administration has very specific definitions for most types of qualifying conditions and very specific preferences for the type of documentation needed. When individuals submit medical records, physician notes and other medical evidence that doesn’t meet its standards almost to the letter, the Social Security Administration denies the claim, even if the person truly does deserve the benefits. Our experienced Social Security Disability lawyers know what they look for and can help you and your doctor understand what needs to be presented to Social Security Disability.
While many law firms use generic forms and filings to move your case along in the process and use the same general questions and arguments in every case, our theory is that no two cases are exactly alike, and that is why we treat no two cases exactly alike. Our Disability Law Firm creates a personalized case strategy for each individual case to help you and your doctors provide the information Social Security needs to approve your Disability claim. Your case is never just a number to RQP Law, instead, each case is individually planned for and has its own independent strategy for success whether you come to us to file your application, after you already filed, to file your appeals, or to represent you in a Social Security Disability Hearing, our office will create an independent strategy specific to your case.
Appealing a Social Sercurity Claims Denial
Most initial claims for disability benefits are denied by the agency. Unfortunately, many people with very real disabilities, but no legal representation misinterpret that initial denial to mean that they are not eligible for benefits. This is not true. In most cases, the appeals process is where people find the most success
We Only Send Professionally Trained Attorneys to Hearings
The Social Security Act allows for certain non-attorney representatives to represent Claimants in Social Security Disability hearings, and it also allows for these non-attorney representatives to charge the same fee as attorneys. Many law firms have found that it is cheaper for them to hire and send non-attorney representatives to Social Security Disability hearings rather than to hire and send professionally trained attorneys to your hearing. However, RQP Law refuses to send anyone to represent you except professionally trained attorneys to your hearing. Not only are all of our representatives professionally trained, accredited attorneys, the attorneys in our Social Security Disability department focus on Social Security Disability cases, and no other area of law. Where many law firms claim to practice Social Security Disability, their lawyers are handling these cases while also handling criminal cases, family law and whatever else comes across their desks, our Social Security Disability attorneys are just that – Social Security Disability attorneys.
If you want the best representation, you want someone who is professionally trained in both the law and litigation. While it might be less expensive for our firm to send non-attorney representatives to represent you, we are not looking for less expensive, we are looking for most effective.
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