Civil lawsuits are used in a civil court to resolve a dispute regarding a private matter, typically seeking...
Bankruptcy Law
Late Payments on Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Now What?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a reorganization of debts, allowing you to repay all or some of your debts over time through...
Form 1099-C for Cancellation of Debt
When debt is cancelled, such as by a credit card company or bank, that is not the end of the story. A canceled debt is...
Cross-collateralization: Overview, Benefits & Risks
In today’s world, your average person is likely to take out multiple loans in order to live a comfortable life. Cars,...
PA Bankruptcy Means Test: What It Is & How It Works
Bankruptcy can seem very complicated to your average person. There are a lot of factors which determine not only if...
Does Filing Bankruptcy Affect Financial Aid?
For many, a college degree is a requirement for the career path they would like to pursue. Unfortunately, with the...
A Guide to Debt Collection Laws in Pennsylvania
Historically, debt collection has been an industry rife with corruption, harassment, and other unscrupulous practices....
How Long Do Late Payments Stay on a Credit Report?
When applying for car loans, mortgages, personal loans, and more, lenders use your credit score to determine not only...
Chapter 13 Hardship Discharge
Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires committing to a repayment plan over the course of several years. However,...
Can I File for Bankruptcy and Keep My House?
Financial situations can often lead to concerns about the protection of property. When you are struggling with debt,...